Bruno Rota
Bruno Rota (1941, Agen – France) represents one of the most well-known and recognised names in design from Bergamo, where he has contributed to writing its history thanks to his visionary and innovative designs. His curiosity and critical optimism span different sectors from design to architecture to interior design, from industrial design through to concept design. He has been involved in several projects curating art exhibitions and exhibition areas. He designs products for both Italian and European companies, with his work recognised over three editions of the “Compasso d’Oro”. These have also won numerous international awards including the Dunlopillo Design Award for innovation in London, the 10th and 12th BIO Prize in Lubiana, and the Kortrijk prize in Belgium. His sofa “Traffic” was used by the “La Vilette Citè des Science et de l’Industrie” Museum in Paris. He has held classes in Italy and abroad (“Istituto Europeo di Design”, Milan; Parson’s School of Design, New York) and has been teaching design methodology at the “Accademia Carrara” in Bergamo for the last three years. Over the last few years he has dedicated his time to concepts, product strategies and consulting design, working together with companies and public offices.