
Casa Palma Camozzi Vertova


The current Palma Camozzi Vertova house was built in 1522 by the Pighetti Calepio Counts on a pre-existing mediaeval house which remained covered by the vast embankment formed by the construction of the Venetian Walls and the nearby bastion of St. Lorenzo. It is enclosed by the curtain walls and forms a triangular fortified complex with the severe appearance of a castle on the Via della Fara side. An elegant trabeate portico and upper loggias with three orders of architecture, all emphasised by Zandobbio white stone columns and decorated with monochrome graffiti frescoes from the late XVI century, faces onto the square courtyard which is very evocative. The story of Orbecche, dating from 1572 and attributed, along with the fine grotesques, to G.B. Guarinoni of Averara, is frescoed on the gore ceiling of the ground floor reception room. In the small adjacent reception room stories from Genesis are depicted on the walls and the Creation of the Heavenly Bodies can be seen amongst the elegant stucco work on the ceiling.